Laurier is the perfect guide to help one find the key balance between
the harsh demands of life and the needs of one self. Following Laurier gives greater personal peace, greater stillness to tune into life. His calm direction and sensitivity enriches and will improve oneself.
Margaret K.
Depuis 2019, Laurier a offert des dizaines de sessions de pleine conscience aux membres des Amis de la santé mentale. Les commentaires positifs et le bien-être exprimés par ceux-ci dépassent les attentes. Il a su offrir aux membres de l'entourage d'une personne atteinte d'un trouble de santé mentale, un lieu de répit et de ressourcement grandement apprécié. Les principaux bienfaits ressentis sont la réduction du stress, des inquiétudes et de la rumination avec un allégement des récurrentes négatives. Nous apprécions beaucoup son expertise et son approche humaniste et espérons qu'il pourra continuer de nous offrir ses bons services.
Johanne B.
I was introduced to mindful meditation in 2006, while studying to be a Nutrition counsellor. Since then, most years, I have been a member of a mindful meditation group. Two leaders stand out here. One of these is Laurier. Why? Guaranteed to be moved to a peaceful, gentle place after one hour with his leadership. For me, this has the same calming effect as a yoga class. In both cases I am too relaxed to drive afterwards until 15 or 20 mins have passed. From my own experience, I highly recommend Mindful Meditation with Laurier.
Olive M.
About Me
I am from Montreal, Canada. I spent most of my adult life working as a soldier, though it is really through becoming a counsellor and meditation facilitator that I have been able to realize the "enemy" is often only internal. I received my Masters in Counselling Psychology in 2019, and have since pushed in the direction of Mindfulness as a guiding light in counselling sessions. I have been trained in Mindfulness Cognitive Behavioral Therapy, Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction, Mindfulness Training for Emotional Resilience and have a certification in facilitating Yoga Nidra. I love curiosity, mystery and insight, dancing and feeling love, especially from self.
Individual or small group (couple, family or friends (max 5))
1 hr
70 Canadian dollarsMindfulness-Based Stress Reduction course (8 weeks) or customized plan
500 Canadian dollars
"As a well spent day brings happy sleep, so a life well used brings happy death".